Friday, March 28, 2008

Time Flies

So, April arrives and somehow an entire quarter of a year has zipped by.

Where has your business gone in these last three months?

Are you still in planning stages?

Have you made the progress you were hoping for?

Is your business growing at the rate you want to achieve your 2008 goals?

If you are not where you want to be, then it would be a good idea to get a business coach. Someone to push you along every week to make sure you are staying on track. Every successful person has a coach, whether you are an athlete or an entrepreneur, you will grow by leaps and bounds with the support of a coach.

Call me if you need support to grow at 858-41-ASSET.

Be Successful!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ready to grow? Call me.

Need to grow your business? Looking for a consultant to get you to the next level.
Visit me at .
or find other consultants at Bitwine .

I am here to help businesses and business owners succeed.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Simple Payment Acceptance Options

There are so many tools online that it's hard to know what to use. If you need a quick online store to get started, you can use PayPal to accept payments and eBay to sell products. There are little to no costs and both are relatively easy to use.