Friday, April 4, 2008

Focus on the Bottom Line by Closing More Sales

Anyone who has been consulted by me knows that I always focus on the Bottom Line. If you're too busy "setting up procedures" when you could be getting new clients or selling to existing clients, then you are most likely losing money instead of making the money that could be getting you closer to your goals.

Yes, it's important to have procedures. But, if you can't pay your staff or yourself when payroll day comes around, then you are not in are going under. Grab a bucket and let's bail you out before your ship sinks.

Rule #1: Focus on the Bottom Line. If you have leads, follow up with them. The reason a company is financially successful is because they have money coming in. You have clients who want to give you money, they just may not know it yet. Open up your file of leads and follow up. Call, email or visit them. Offer rewards to your team for closing sales.

One client recently offered a $15 incentive for each "Upgrade" sale to its Customer Service Reps (CSR) and the upsells went through the roof. Instead of processing the basic package at $29.99 a month, the CSRs were offering an upgrade to clients for the $49.99/month plan. At a $15 Bonus Cost, the company recovered the extra fee in the first month fee and makes an extra $240 per customer per year. At 20 upgraded customers a day over a 5-day period, that's $24,000 per year of increased income at a cost of only $1,500.

If they keep the promotion going, the company will give employee incentives of $75,000 for upgraded sales, while creating an extra $1.2 Million per year of extra income from customers who were buying the service anyway!

The CSRs were thrilled with the extra income and wanted to keep doing the promotion. That's the best of both worlds - more income and better employee morale. It's much easier and cheaper to keep good employees than to find and train new ones.

Tell me what you did to boost your sales. Or contact me and let me help you find ways to grow. Best of success!