Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Life in Action

Photo by Don Mirra

See People in Action at TED. Technology, Entertainment, Design - Inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers. Ideas worth spreading. Videos range from 4-20 minutes long by some of the most inspiring people in the world. It doesn't cost anything to view, please take a moment and glance through TED. It is important to understand our personal and world problems so we can fix them.

This TED video inspired me because it made a visual image of our daily behaviors that we are not seeing but should. Ignoring it will not make anything better. Knowledge is only half the power.

I mentioned this before, but if you want all your news in one paper, pick up a copy of The Week. It is a great short magazine that has all the top stories from the week. It takes about 1-2 hours to get a good recap of all the major happenings in the world.

Carpe Diem,
Angela DiCarlo

p.s. Thanks Don for sharing these with me. Your stories and your photography are inspirational. Don Mirra Photography

UPDATE: July 30, 2008 Don Mirra will be leaving for Kenya. Let's send him our best wishes for a safe and bountiful journey.

UPDATE: Don returned safely from his journeys.