Saturday, February 28, 2009

Automaker Thoughts

I just filled out a survey for INC about automakers and thought I would post my response to their question about my thoughts on American Automakers.

The American market unfortunately built cars that need to be replaced far too quickly. They don't seem to understand that is wasteful. Volvo is a great example of long lasting dependable cars, and Volvo started marketing their dependability mission decades ago.

Unless the Automakers start building long lasting, dependable, hybrid, hemp fuel or electric powered cars (not Corn! how wasteful) that eliminate our reliance on foreign oil and high pollution, then I will continue to buy foreign. Heck, I would buy the Saturn Electric Car in a heartbeat if they brought it back to life. (Have you watched the movie Who Killed the Electric Car?)

I have owned American cars: a Ford, Pontiac, Chrysler. And foreign: three Volkswagens, a Saab, a BMW, and now I own a Toyota Prius which I enjoy very much. I obviously love cars and have owned many.

Another option for automakers may be a subscription pay car, like an internet subscription service or NetFlix or "Bag, Borrow or Steal". That way the car maker will continue to make money and the consumer will always have a working car. Kind of like a Lease but better since it would benefit the dealership and the automaker for a longer time.

That could encourage the American Automaker to make longer lasting, better cars. And they could make money for the long run, not just a one-time fee like they currently get for the car. Unless they're like Toyota and make money off financing, which I am sure they do.

Why not create a different business model? Any thoughts?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A More Transparent

So, Obama wants a more transparent America. On his first day in office, they changed the White House website.

There's weekly video addresses from Obama and his agendas online. Lots of information at our fingertips.

Check the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act at

Pretty cool, Mr. President.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Kids make the world happier

Have you noticed that children seem happier lately?

Maybe it's just me but it seems that everywhere I go lately, the kids just seem happier. I just thought I would ask because it struck me as pleasantly odd.

In times of a changing president and economic challenges, it's nice to feel the positive energy coming from the ground up. And by ground, I mean the 2 foot tall bundles of joy that hobble around and smile at us 5 feet plus giants who often forget the simple joys of life as we try to make a living and create wealth while still maintaining harmony in our bodies, bank accounts and souls.

Now, I am not normally one to praise kids like this. I run past the Baby's R Us stores like it's emitting the plague. But lately, it just feels like the air is a little lighter. I hope you feel it too.

So here I am, back to work on a football Sunday and just thought I would share my happy thought.

Best wishes to you and yours this holiday season,

p.s. I came across this cute picture on a website and thought it was cute. I don't know the kids or photographer since I lost the link ages ago. Woops.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Step into the modern world - TV Box and Cell Phone Registration

If you're like me and live with only a cell phone and/or haven't yet upgraded to a modern TV, then these links are for you.

Get your TV Converter Box Coupon already. They'll mail you the coupon.
TV Converter Box Coupon Program website
TV Converter Box

Reverse 911 for Cell Phones - San Diego
If you live in San Diego, you need to register your Cell Phone for Emergency situations. Let's put the Homeland Security Office to good use. We are paying for them to be there.
San Diego Reverse 911

ICE your cell phone
On your Cell Phone, you should have your top emergency contact(s) listed in your Contacts under ICE, which stands for In Case of Emergency. I have mine listed as ICE Mom and ICE Daniel. I know if one person is not available, the other is. If you are unconscious, wasted or otherwise impaired and smart enough to have your cell phone on you, the EMTs and doctors can more easily contact people who know you if you have an ICE number listed. You can also put it on the outside of your phone, but that's totally up to you. You can get a cool ICE sticker for two bucks at Ice Just make sure you put your ICE in your Contacts.

Peace and love,

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Musician Resources

I have learned that many creative and business people are musicians or know musicians. Here are some resources to share with your musical friends: A great site for getting other people to post your songs on their MySpace pages. Exposure is key. Every musician should have a MySpace page to connect with their fans, post new songs, get feedback and give tour dates. This virtual radio station creates playlists of similar styles of artists. You can get heard by people who would otherwise never find you. Makes it easy to post videos online and send them out to fans. MySpace also has a video tool. Either way. Show your fans who you are.


What I've learned:

"What would happen if you turned Worry into Wonder? How would your life be different?" Angela DiCarlo, MBA

"We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden." Goethe

"If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest." Publilius Syrus

"To will is to select a goal,
determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal,
and then hold to that action 'til the goal is reached.
Michael Hanson

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